Goal Setting – The Body

Woman and man on gym spin bikes

Goal Setting Starts Within

Goals are really about dreaming up a vision. The word dreaming allows the mind to flirt with the wildest ideas without any inhibitions. I first luxuriated in just dreaming about my vision and I did so in each area of my life. 


Every book that I have ever read on goal setting and self development has said that starting with a clear vision and breaking it down into achievable, measurable micro milestones is the first step to success. In the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, he discusses in detail how 1% changes (hardly noticeable) made everyday compound to make a tremendous impact over time.


I also wanted a deeper connection to each goal or vision so I exposed the real “why” behind each of them. So when the going gets tough (and it will) I can refresh myself on the “why”. Here, I’m sharing the process that I went through to create my vision and set my 2023 goals starting with the body.

Woman and man on gym spin bikes
Photo by Ama by Aisha featuring my older brother

The Vision & My "Why"

My Abuelita (grandmother in Spanish) is an astounding 101 years old, had 11 children and is still mobile. When I asked her what the secret was she said she is always active. 


My vision for my body includes living to be over 100, being in good health, still physically active and having a sharp enough memory to retell stories to my grandchildren about the days before dial up internet. We only get 1 body in this lifetime and I have a hunch that the secret to living a long healthy life is to just keep moving physically.


If I am planning to live to be over 100 and I’m 36 right now, I have 64+ years with the same body. 


I’ve stopped treating my body like a trashcan by putting garbage into it and started thinking of my health like an investment. The time that I dedicate to my body and health now, over time, is a compounding investment in older me.


Josh and I also want to start a family soon and getting my body in prime physical shape will help with great physical demands of conceiving, pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.

Creating Body Goals

  1. To lose enough weight to be within my healthy weight / BMI (body mass index) bracket for my height.
  2. To conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. 

Measurable Action Items

  • Exercise 3 times a week doing a combination of cardio (spin), strength (pilates) and stretching (yoga). I find it easy to book a workout via Class Pass and I prefer to have a professional instruct me for 45-60 minutes. My membership is $99/ month which is an investment I am making now for older me.

  • Incorporate light physical activity into daily life such as walks after dinner, bike rides after work, or going for a swim when the weather is nice.

  • Complete my daily activity goals (move, exercise, stand) on my Apple Watch.

  • Use ankle weights on walks and doing daily housework.

  • Drink 100 oz of water a day — my Stanley cup holds 40 oz, so drinking 2 Stanley cups of water + 1 La Croix will do it.

  • Have dinner by 7PM — there is a lot of information out there that advise not to eat at least 3 hours before going to bed to improve sleep and metabolism.

  • Limit alcohol consumption to a maximum of 4 drinks / week — read more about limiting alcohol in Evaluating my Relationship With Alcohol. The calories not consumed by limiting alcohol are impactful.

  • Prepare healthy meals with seasonal, organic ingredients — for inspiration read 7 Easy, Healthy Recipes for Clueless Cooks.

  • Schedule my annual medical exams — physical, teeth cleaning(s), vision check, dermatologist skin check and annual gynecological — and follow through with any medical guidance (vitamins, wearing SPF, flossing, etc.)


You’ll notice that most of measurable action items are small positive shifts that when done over a significant amount of time can be impactful. I am also not looking for fast, quick results — I am thinking about the next 64+ years of life in this body.


These are goals and action items that I have curated based on my vision. Every body is different and this is not health or medical advice. I do encourage you to dream up a vision for your body, speak with your doctors, curate goals and measurable action items.