5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs A Blog

Woman typing on computer

A blog is an essential component of a business marketing strategy and is a key tool for business growth. Here I discuss the top 5 reasons why every business needs a blog.

There are always exceptions to this, but very few so don’t for a moment think your business is one of the exceptions!

Photo by Ama by Aisha at Hotel ZaZa Dallas

The following business types should have an active blog, without question: 

  • E-commerce stores
  • Food and product brands
  • Wedding industry businesses
  • Real estate industry businesses (realtors, architects, builders) 
  • Interior designers & home service businesses
  • Photographers & creatives
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Hospitality & travel businesses (hotels, restaurants, tourism)
  • Professional services
  • Digital service providers

If you saw your business type on the above list, you might be experiencing a slight wave of panic.

Understanding why your business needs to add a blog into your marketing mix is just as important as having one. 

#1 Drive Traffic to Your Website

Your business website is where money is made either by leads, request for a quote, product sales, reservation bookings, digital downloads, etc. A blog is a powerful avenue to increase traffic to your website, capture your audience’s attention and convert them into a customer.

Businesses with blogs see around 55% more traffic to their website according to Hubspot. Those are not rookie numbers!

Photo by Elizabeth Jones of Maribel Juarez Realtor

#2 Build Client Trust

Consumers are more discerning than ever and do active research and read reviews before making a purchase or inquiry.

A blog is an authentic way to control the narrative to educate and inspire your potential client about your product and services.

#3 Showcase Your Work

With years of experience working with small businesses, my #1 marketing tip is still to be your own publicist.

Show off your portfolio of work or services and increase the value of your offerings by discussing noteworthy selling points in a blog.  

#4 Stand Out From the Competition

Build brand awareness by revealing your breath of knowledge and creativity in your field of expertise.

Photo by Ama by Aisha at Hotel ZaZa Dallas featuring Jody Stein, owner of Trove Florals

Show and tell what makes you different from the competition in a blog. Elevate your brand, make a long-lasting impression and share your passion for what you do best. 

#5 Create Evergreen Content

Unlike a post on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok a blog is considered evergreen, timeless content.

You have roughly 3 seconds to make an impression with a social media post versus a blog post that lives on your website as long as your website lives.

Blogs are shareable, forward friendly, linkable content that can create business buzz and can also be used as a powerful sales tool. 

It’s time to take action and take your business to the next level with a blog. If you barely had time to read this article and can’t fathom putting another task on your plate, consider outsourcing this important business task.

I have written anonymously under another business name for several years and covered the gamut when it comes to industry types. Like any effective marketing, consistency is key. I’ve created do-it-all-for-you blog packages that start at $170 per month.

I really do it all for you, from suggest researched pitch ideas to upload and format your blogs for you. Business owners can just focus on their professional passion and customers.

If you want to hire a writer with diverse writing styles and business savoir faire (that’s French for expert knowledge), then contact me.